Posted tagged ‘mobility’

Plural symposium on Mobility on May 17, 2010

7 toukokuun, 2010

Mobility: Cultural, Linguistic and Communicative Aspects

Plural organizes a one-day symposium on Mobility on Monday, May 17, 2010 in Pinni B building, lecture hall B1097. The aim of the symposium is to discuss the many aspects of mobility and offer new perspectives for research. Everything is on the move – are we? We ask what this concept means to us and for our research as scholars of cultural studies, translation studies and linguistics. What and who is mobile? What causes mobility and how does it affect our lives?

The symposium will start with guest lectures by James H. Mittelman and Linda J. Yarr. James Mittelman, Professor of International Affairs at American University, is a distinguished scholar in globalisation studies, international relations theory and development, whose critical research on globalisation combines an appreciation of the cultural dimensions of the process with the economic and political ones. Linda Yarr, the Director of Partnerships for Strategies in Asia at the George Washington University, specialises in development and education and in women’s leadership in the global environment. Both Mittelman and Yarr are currently Visiting Fellows at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. The guest lectures by the distinguished speakers offer a global perspective on mobility in today’s world.

The lectures are followed by a panel discussion on the challenges of mobility for higher education. What are the challenges that mobility causes to the organization of international studies and exchange programmes? How to deal with different cultural expectations and practices? What are the lessons we learn from mobility? What about the linguistic implications of internationalization and mobility in higher education?

The symposium finishes with presentations by researchers of the School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies, addressing the processes, consequences and implications of mobility in the context of specific cultures and languages.

The symposium is free of charge, but all participants should register by May 10 using an online registration form at


For more information, please contact Tuija Kinnunen or Kati Lampinen at